Ukraine-Russia Conflict Response: Humanitas Project Completion
Date: 06/05/2022
NextEnergy Foundation has supported the installation of solar panels on Humanitas’s medical van. The van is being used to deliver medical supplies, surgical equipment, food and everyday essentials from Romania to two regional hospitals and numerous displacement centres in Western Ukraine. The team has just delivered the twelfth round of goods.
The solar panels have allowed the team to travel further into Ukraine and for longer periods of time, transporting more supplies. They are powering walkie talkies, laptops, heating and refrigerated medication. Humanitas plans to continue to travel into Ukraine for as long as possible, but if it becomes too dangerous to travel, the van will be stationed on the border between Romania and Ukraine and used as a mobile medical clinic. Should this be the case, the solar panels will be used to charge heart monitors, scanners and other medical equipment that require power and will allow Humanitas to respond to any other refugee crisis in Europe in the same way.
Humanitas wrote: The medical team is incredibly grateful for the NextEnergy Foundation’s support and is thankful for enabling Humanitas to undertake this vital work.
Please find some photographs below. Please visit the conflict response project page for more information about the initiatives supported by the NextEnergy Foundation in Ukraine.