Ecosystem Restoration: Project Update
Date: 18/11/2022
NextEnergy Foundation is supporting an ecosystem restoration and climate change mitigation project in the Campo dei Fiori National Park in the Province of Varese, Lombardy, Italy. The project aims to restore a forest damaged by a severe fire in 2017 and a storm and flooding event the following year. It is one of 12 protected areas and Natura 2000 sites in the Lombardy Region of Italy which are being restored, verified and accredited in accordance with the forestry management standards of the Forest Stewardship Council ® (FSC-N001935). More information about Campo dei Fiori can be found on the project page.
The project implementation officially began on 5th October 2022 with a kick-off meeting organised by the National Park where all project partners attended. The meeting was attended also by the two water utilities that will co-sponsor the water resource element of the project, ALFA and Lereti SPA. On 21st October 2022, Campo dei Fiori Park’s representatives attended the first training course about the FSC Certification and ecosystem services verification, organised by Etifor staff. Between now and April 2023, the Park representatives and a qualified forest technician will develop the executive project and request the necessary authorisations to begin working on the grasslands and chestnut groves in Spring.
Photograph credits: Archivio Parco Campo dei Fiori